Roadmap that finethic ai will do
Phase 1
Brainstorming the concept of AI Agent
Brainstorming and problem solving of financial problems
Team formation (Core Team, AI Team, Community & Marketing Team, Financial Research Team)
Community & Marketing Preparation
Financial AI Agent Creation
Core Team prepares the concept of blockchain implementation
Contract Address Creation- AI Agent concept brainstorming
Brainstorming and problem solving of financial problems
Team formation (Core Team, AI Team, Community & Marketing Team, Financial Research Team)
Community & Marketing Preparation
Financial AI Agent Creation
Phase 4
Launch of AI Financial ecosystem that can be used by everyone
Stable Finethic AI revenue generation to strengthen the Finethic AI token ecosystem
Continued development to cover the entire financial field and ensure Finethic AI can benefit all target markets
Marketing & Partnership tier 1
CEX Listing top tier
Ensure the entire ecosystem of Finethic AI runs and gets revenue for sustainable development
Massive introduction to all markets
Last updated